How do you measure success?

Success for us is the intersection of a business model that works financially and makes an impact in the lives of family’s in our communities.

What does accountability look like?

“Good intentions” are not good enough. When we fully launch, our plan is to be a registered B-Corp. We also take seriously our relationships with partner organizations, internal staff, and shareholders to always “do things better” and to learn from any mistakes that we make along the way. We have a bent towards action, but we want to remain learning, always!

What is your expected Return on Investment (ROI)?

One model we have researched fully had ROI upwards of 12% a year. While that would be nice if we could pull that off, we are hoping our model is designed with higher impact in “high cost” markets while maintaining a “reasonable” return for our investors.

Our spreadsheets are drafted, but until we have potential properties in mind as our first investment, the exact numbers are just theories!

Is your model proven?

While our exact model is not being done as far as we know, we have been studying this space for years and have drawn from multiple business models that we appreciate. Our hope is to innovate even farther on their models, to increase the impact of what we can bring to our communities.

That being said, there is always risk to entrepreneurial efforts! We invite you to join us on our learning process, bringing what experiences and knowledge you have to our community.

What is your geographic focus?

Our founding team is based in the high cost markets of California, so our model has developed with these types of markets in mind. With that being said, we do not want to limit ourselves geographically, but to where there is an opportunity to make a just purchase as of this time.

What is your timeline for launch?

We are intentionally rolling things out in stages. Right now, we want to garner interest and have conversations with as many people and partner organizations as possible who might be interested in potentially investing (small or large) and/or working with us in some capacity. Step two would be to would be to create the fund and/or incorporate. Step 3 would be finding suitable properties.